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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

IDC: Q2 is the first time Smarthones surpassed Feature phones in Europe

According to the research company IDC, it is for the first time when Smartphone shipments surpass feature phones in European mobile market. The IDC has released its Q2 2011 mobile phone shipment estimates in Western Europe which indicates a basic change in the mobile industry. It showcases that Q2 is the first time when smartphones outstripped the basic handsets on the old continent.  IDC reports that this shift is largely accredited to the major rise of Android OS's acceptance (352% year over year). The widgets with Google OS account for 48.5% of the total smart thingamabobs consignments.
Samsung is leading the record and manages to be on the top in the smartphone shipments with 22% market share, followed closely by Apple which account for 21% of the total smartphone market. Samsung has really done well and its performance is undoubtedly very impressive as the firms smartphone shipments have grown by 700% year over year, compared to 64% for Apple. Nokia is a big loser with a 60% decline in consignments but it is still the top handset retailer in Western Europe with a 37 % market share when both feature phones and smartphones get combined together.

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