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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Motorola declares Q3 results, numbers not disappointing

Motorola's financial results for Q3 have been declared & the results are not as disappointing as some were expecting. Motorola will organize a meeting with the share holders on November 17 to think over the expected acquisition from Google.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Financially, Motorola declares the income of $3.3 billion, which is same as in the last quarter. But, it has improved by 11 percent, if we compare it to the same quarter last year.
Motorola is seeing a total loss of $32 million, which is less than the loss of $52 million in the last quarter.  Their tablet XOOM is also not doing well. Motorola has only managed to sell only 100,000 of their tablet computer.
But, the sales of mobile phones have been witnessing an upward trend. In this quarter, Motorola sold around 11.6 million phones. Out of this 4.8 millions handsets were smartphones.

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