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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Carephone Warehouse sends a clear message, will accelerate sales via online route

Carphone Warehouse is clear about its plans, and is sending out a clear message that they are focusing to increase their share in the online market. According to the CEO of Carephone warhouse, the closure of Best Buy stores is not a step back. It is expected that Carphone will increase investment in its online stores, taking help from the £840m it has earned by selling its share in the Best Buy’s United States business.

The CEO of this company, Andrew Harrison is of the opinion that the company investing in its online business is very significant. Anyway, the industry gave a cold response to the news of the £70 million closure decision. Many went to the extent of saying that it this step was inevitable. ‘The core competency of Carephone Warehouse is not operating ‘big box' electronics stores. Running such stores comes under an entirely different business model. The partnership between Carphone Warehouse and Best Buy was never sustainable.

Carephone Warehouse also denied that Best Buy’s aspirations were the reasons behind the end of their partnership. They have also denied that they are squeezing manufacturers to help them pay for their online retailing ambitions. The point is that Carphone Warehouse is a small company, and they can’t bully
big MNCs. Even the money earned from the United States has compensated Carphone Warehouse for the amount they invested in the big box.’

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