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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Samsung Galaxy S2 up for grabs in girly pink color

If you have always wished to shock your geeky girlfriend by giving her a Samsung Galaxy S 2, you will just love this news. Earlier, your choices were restricted to just black and white colors, which are obviously not girly enough. It seems that Samsung has felt your pain & decided to release a pink Samsung Galaxy S 2.

The new pink color handset will not only appeal to the fairer sex, but will also permit Samsung to sell more handsets. At present, more than 4 million units in South Korea are in the user’s hands. And, the interesting part is that around 850,000 white Galaxy S2 are sold in the market.
It is Christmas time, and the pink Galaxy S 2 is the perfect gift for your loved one. This handset will be put on sale first in South Korea.
We hope that it gets released here too.

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