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Friday, December 16, 2011

Teenagers on average sending over 3,000 texts in a month

The newest statement from Nielsen claims teenagers are considerably raising their monthly data habit – more than all other age factions.

When observing the period of Q3 from 2010 to Q3, this year, teenagers have augmented their monthly data habit from 90 MB to an unbelievable 321 MB, which is a boost of 256%.  Whilst teens even now do not devour the majority of data used in stipulations of megabytes, the boost we have witnessed in the preceding year can ultimately shove teenage data usage as elevated or over older groups.

When it arrives to what teenagers are doing on their handsets, Texting is undoubtedly the king. Teenagers with age between 13 to17 years send a normal amount of 3,417 messages. This means that they send an average of 7 texts for the each hour they are not sleeping. In accordance with the data released, the numbers of texts send each month decreases with age. In addition, as the quantity of messaging swells, the employ of voice calls progressively decreases.

When questioned why teenagers favor sending text messages to calling the replies were:

•    22% - Quicker
•    21% - Convenient
•    18% - More cool

For parents who are gifting their teenagers their first handset this Christmas must consider an limitless messaging plan.

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