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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sony XPeria S white: Technical supremacy now in white?

Sony Xperia S is the first smartphone to come with “Sony” branding only, and users are not tired of glancing at the logo on the handset’s exterior. The handset now comes draped in pure white flavor, alluring consumers who always prefer their devices painted in the beautiful white color, and despise the common for some unknown reasons. May be it’s their preference or the white color looks majestic, the Sony Xperia S white has our faith.
This astonishing device is certainly the best device to come from the stable of the Japanese telecommunication giant till now, however some may not agree saying that it’s not the best one in the market. These critics are still trapped in the past of the mobile company when they suffered huge losses and took a drastic and necessary step of parting its ways with the Swedish mobile maker, we will say that these are just a bunch of pessimists.
With an incredible display that easily surpass the density of everything manufactured by the Cupertino-based mobile manufacturer Apple or its several other competitors (at least for this moment), marvelous performance from both the central processing unit & battery, & an awesome snapper, there is not too much to hate except the dubious touch-sensitive keys, and the smartwatch allows users to manage their applications remotely. Sadly, it arrives with the Android Gingerbread with an update to the Ice Cream Sandwich expected soon, however when the update gets available this discussion will get obsolete. So, this incredible smartphone has our faith, what about yours?
Sony Xperia s Deals uk


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