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Thursday, June 21, 2012

A few Samsung Galaxy S3 units already shipped Sprint clients

With rumors that the unprecedented demand of the Samsung Galaxy S3 has resulted in delay of its release by Sprint, but the network operator clarified on Tuesday that it will try its level best to ship the handsets to consumers on June 21st who had pre-ordered the 16GB version.  This reputed network operator, however, stated that   the shipment could get delayed by one or two days. However, it is expected that today some consumers will get the flagship model of Samsung.

And for consumers, who ordered the 32GB variant of the Galaxy S3 deals, wait for one more week. For that extra 16GB memory space, a week’s wait is not going to hurt you. Also, it seems like other networks will also delay the launch of Galaxy S3. The word on the street is that AT&T has also delayed its launch of this smartphone. The version in question here is the 16GB version, as the network is not offering the 32GB version.  Some consumers who had ordered the S3 through AT&T are saying that their order status is showing “backordered”. However, we can’t confirm the delay as no official word is available at the moment.  

If you have received notice about the shipment of your Samsung Galaxy S3 or is on backorder, let us know about the comments section below. And speaking of the Sprint & AT&T, you should check out the official sites of these reputed service providers to get all the latest updates.

Such delays would have certainly dampened the spirits of consumers who are looking forward to lay their hands on the latest product from the house of the South Korean mobile phone manufacturer. But, it will not affect the popularity of the Galaxy S3, which is set to continue the dominance of Android in the smartphone universe.

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