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Monday, August 20, 2012

Apple Again in Courtroom

Apple Again in Courtroom; Files Appeal against Italy's Competition Agency

On Tuesday, it was reported that Apple was being charged of not fulfilling the European Union regulations which instructs a seller to give its clients a 2 years warranty on its goods, at no additional cost. Italy's competition agency, or AGCM in short form, states that in spite of advertisements for the Apple iPhone that say that consumers are entitled to free 2 years protection against defects on first delivery, and a supplementary one year out-of-box warranty as well, the AGCM thinks that the info given is inadequate.
An AGCM bulletin claims that the phrasing on the commercial only encourages iPhone buyers to purchase the Apple Care warranty coverage without informing them that the free two years warranty arrives with their acquisition.
With this ruling that the Cupertino-based telecommunication giant had failed to fulfill its regulations, Apple has stated that they would appeal against this verdict. The maker of iconic products like iPad and iPhone has been granted with thirty days to fulfill the regulations. If Apple fails to comply, the Cupertino-based company will have to shut down its Apple Stores in Italy for thirty days & pay the penalty of 300,000EUR or $378,000USD.
After getting the warning from the Italy's competition agency on Monday regarding its lack of support, the American MNC stated that it hadn’t breached any regulation, and the AGCM had given them this notice on mistaken understanding of the law. It seems that Apple is set to get entangled in another legal battle, this time in Italy.

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