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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Rumors: Nokia 900 landing on March 18

When Nokia declared the new Nokia Lumia 900 at Consumer Electronics Show they just said that it will be launched in the upcoming few months without granting any actual date. There are some rumors that the handset could actually be released sometime in the month of March.

If that's unclear for you, then Windows bloggers Paul Thurrott has moved one extreme step & fixed March 18 as the conformed release date of this handset. However, it is not an official annoucment.

However, if these rumors are true March 18 appears to be the day users would be able to lay their hands on the Lumia 900 at least in the North America. If you believe that's excessively far from now then the Finnish mobile manufacturer has some fresh video clips of the device to keep you entertained till then.

Lumia Deals: Nokia Lumia 800 Deals

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