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Monday, April 23, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 Coming Soon in UK

The South Korean mobile manufacturer has teased the declaration of the Galaxy S3 smartphone on Monday, prior to the intended May 3rd launch date, and the Asian technology giant has released a dedicated website flaunting a countdown clock with the note: “Coming soon. You can take the next step in…” This timer has been set to run out at 12 PM United Kingdom time on Monday morning.

The site appeared on Sunday after a not so cryptic tweet generated by Samsung, pledging: “Destination: tgeltaayehxnx”, which on reshuffling revealed the term the next galaxy. Anyone can figure out what it means.
Samsung has been shy about the release of the upcoming high-end Android-running handset, and majority of observers have anticipated the gadget to come at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, however that time our hopes failed. The mobile manufacturer decided to hold the launch of the Galaxy S3, probably to distinguish the S3 from the crowd of droids thronging the mobile phone marketplace, probably to develop iPhone-styled expectation or maybe due to internal holdups, still have they created iPhone-styled hype?
It appears that after months of speculation, the wait to find out the specs may at last be coming to an end, and finally we will be able to lay our hands on the smartphone that has made us sleepless for a very long time, and please don’t tell us that iPhone 5 is still the most-anticipated one. Both the handsets have generated a great amount of excitement around their release and specs, so glue your eyes on the clock.

Samsung Galaxy S2
Samsung Galaxy W

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